Upwaas Meal plan

Hello to all the gorgeous ladies out there… Aaand we are back again, with some cool tips for you to brighten up your festival mood even further…
Festival times isn’t all about too much sweet, and too much food, all the time. Our ancestors wanted us to give rest to our tummies and get ready for the next food orgy with renewed energy, so they planned for rest days in between… 😉 However, do we really give rest to our tummies on those days? When we say fasting to ourselves, what do we think of? Sabudana or sago, is the first thing that comes to our mind, and I agree with you, that it is one of the most delicious food items, that we can have. However, it is so heavy, that when we have one bowl full of Sabudana Khichadi, it is enough to last us about 6-7 hours at least.
Purpose of fasting is to have light, energizing food, that will help you get through the day, without the discomfort of feeling hungry. Fasting, if done correctly, is extremely good for health and for correcting your digestion cycle. So, how do you make it interesting, without disturbing the entire purpose of the same?? Here comes our meal plan to the rescue, one more time…
Soak enough sabudana for half a bowl of Khichadi per person (we just can’t live without sabudana khichadi, I swear it!!). Stock up on fruits – Apples, banana, guava, pomegranate & chikkoos. Peel pomegranate and store in an air-tight container in the fridge.
Grind roasted groundnuts, if you are not in a habit of doing this regularly. Set your milk to have fresh curd, or purchase fresh curd from a nearby dairy.
Grate fresh coconut for garnishing, and store in an airtight container in the freezer (not the regular fridge!)
And, here goes your meal plan for the D Day…
- Sabudana Khichadi (1/2 bowl per person, 10 minutes to cook, if soaked correctly)
- Red Chutney – Groundnut powder, salt, chili powder & curd… easy, peasy!! (2 minutes, max!)
- 5 Fruits Koshimbir – peel & chop all fruits, mix together with curd, add salt / sugar, as per your taste. You can also add jeera powder, of you want it spicy rather than sweet. This is one of the yummiest and quickest fruit salads, you will ever taste. Would take about 15 minutes to prepare, lesser if your family helps out!
- Cucumber Salad – Peel and slice cucumbers for the side salad (hardly any time!!)
- Sweet Potato Halwa – Yummy, yummy!! There has to be a sweet dish, to end your meal, even if you’re fasting!! Takes about 20-22 minutes to prepare, according to Tarla Dalal
So, there you go… Not too light, not too heavy, and extremely healthy!! This is something, which your kids will also enjoy, as it makes a cool change from the routine roti sabji!
Entire meal, should be ready between 30 – 45 minutes, if you time it correctly, and prepare a few things simultaneously. As the youngest one in our family, it was always my responsibility to chop fruits for the koshimbir, and it was a matter of high pride for me, always!! You could try the same with your kids, if they are old enough to handle knives.
Check the links to the recipes here –
Sabudana Khichadi: http://www.sanjeevkapoor.com/Recipe/Sabudana-Khichdi.html
Sweet Potato Halwa: http://www.tarladalal.com/Shakarkand-Ka-Halwa-Faraal-Sweet-…
How do you like our plan, this time? Like it? Love it? ❤️❤️
Please give your feedback in the comments section below. Do let us know, when you try it out, and send us pictures of the same!! We would love to hear back from you…
Happy cooking, ladies…