Offbeat me-time activities

Me-time should not be something you write in your list of ‘things to be done after 40’. It has to be today, every day. Some time for yourself can give a completely different perspective on things that matter. A complete refreshed you is the best gift you can give yourself. So we came up with these amazing me-time activities for self-care inspiration.
We have already given you a monthly activity for each month of the year – 12 months, 12 me time resolutions!
We also helped you schedule a me-time activity for each day of your busy week – Daily me time scheduler! If you have not already done it pen these down today!
Do you feel as if you have loads of responsibilities and absolutely no time for yourself? We have these low budget suggestions that can be squeezed in any time of your day – Selfcare in spite of more responsibilities and no money!
We also have suggestions for siphoning those 5 minutes from your extremely busy schedule and spending it for some self-love – Quick me-time ideas for busy mornings
Offbeat Me-time activities
We have promised you there’s more! And there is! We have a list of completely offbeat me-time activities, you must have never tried before. Get out of your comfort zone and try them –
Browse and schedule many offbeat me-time activities only on Think Metime mobile app! Download now!
1. Dance
Put on your headphones and dance to your favorite tunes.
2. Stargazing
Grab a blanket (your favorite cushion), a cup of coffee, and go out on the terrace to do some stargazing. Learn more about the infinite universe around you. I am sure this offbeat me-time activity will take you into a meditative trance.
3. Learn a new language
I have been meaning to get in touch with my French or Sanskrit. You can find the language of your choice and start learning it. You would be excited every day to find out what new you can learn.
4. Treat yourself
When you get out of your house for some of the chores treat yourself to a pani puri or an ice cream. Sometimes not sharing is fun too!!
5. New kitchen experiment
Try something new in the kitchen which you will enjoy eating. Use the same ingredients and prepare some different dish or try a completely new cuisine you have never tries before. Isn’t it an offbeat me-time activity?
6. Personal day out
Bunk your office and plan a personal day out in your own city. Jot down things you have not seen, take a map, plan a route, and get going! Enjoy your day with just yourself.
7. Midnight Maggi
Treat yourself to a midnight Maggi after everyone in the house has gone to sleep. Carry it to the terrace and enjoy it with just you as a company.
8. Watch people (in a not so creepy way!) in your me-time
Go visit a cafe and grab a cup of coffee. You can try watching people around you while you sip your coffee.
9. Plan your next solo trip as an offbeat me-time activity
Take some time to yourself and plan your next solo travel adventure.
10. Be a kid in your me-time
Decide what you want to do if you become a kid again and try doing it. It can be any small thing like coloring or going on a swing or trampoline.
11. Design your dress in your me-time
Being a fashion designer can be a complete offbeat me-time activity. Design your own new dress by researching different styles from Instagram.
12. Write letters
Writing letters can be an extremely fun and offbeat me-time activity. I read about the long-lost art of letter writing in Nicholas Sparks latest novel. I think it’s fun to write letters to people who matter to us. Take this time to yourself to write letters to your old friends, relatives, best buddies.
13. Outdoor yoga
Find a quiet place near your home and try doing some outdoor yoga. Breathing in fresh air goes a long way in reducing stress.
14. Play 21 questions
Playing 21 questions with yourself can be an extremely offbeat me-time activity.
Search from the internet and ask yourself 21 questions you have never answered before. It’s an innovative way to learn many new things about yourself. You can even jot them down in your journal.
Also read: Conversation starters for dinners!
15. Watch a movie in the theatre
Go and watch a movie at the theatre. Get that tub of popcorn and have the time of your life.
16. Revisit your memories
Looking at old photos, revisiting old memories can be the best me-time you can give yourself. You can even plan to turn it into a scrapbook.
17. Revive your old hobbies
Remember your childhood passion? This is the time to re-ignite the old passion and spend some time reliving childhood dreams. It can be creating a painting or dancing.
Read more about reviving old hobbies here!
18. Plan a movie while you enjoy a spa session with yourself
Here is a guide to a skincare routine at home. You can use it to plan a spa session with yourself while enjoying a chick flick. Add wine to the mix and you are set for the night!
19. Freestyle dancing
Put on your favorite track and try some freestyle music. Dancing to your own tunes, making up your moves can be the best kind of offbeat me-time activity you can plan with yourself.
20. Read a book
I know reading a book is a cliche!! But, read the book loudly to yourself. If its a fiction you can try imitating the characters and their behavior. If it’s a non-fiction, try thinking that you are giving a seminar to the room full of audience and then read out the book. Something offbeat that you can try!!
Here’s a self-love guide you would enjoy very much!
Start planning your fun me-time and wait for more offbeat me-time activities from us!!
Browse and schedule fun me-time and couple activities only on Think Metime mobile app – Download now!
Till then Enjoy!!