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Types Of Pranayama And Their Benefits – 1

Hello lovely ladies! Let us talk about Pranayama today. Would you believe me if I tell you that Pranayama helps you to lose weight, and control diabetes, and also, improves your muscular system?? Do I hear the sound of jaws dropping? But, this is the truth. We rely a lot on foreign techniques for abs training and cardio, and we forget that our ancestors have already left a wonderful legacy for all our requirements (without needing any expensive equipment!!).
Pranayama is a sanskrit word made out of two words “Prana” which means the life force, the most vital energy needed for us to be alive, and “Yama” means control. So Pranayama means controlling our life force or breath through yogic techniques. Our life force is directly connected to our mind and consciousness. By controlling our breath, we control our mind.
Pranayama is a sanskrit word made out of two words “Prana” which means the life force, the most vital energy needed for us to be alive, and “Yama” means control. So Pranayama means controlling our life force or breath through yogic techniques. Our life force is directly connected to our mind and consciousness. By controlling our breath, we control our mind.
1. Ujjayi Pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama is done by breathing through the nostrils and by slightly constricting the throat. The sound emitted by the friction of air against the throat sounds like that of the ocean. This friction by the air entering our throat and lungs also generates internal body heat and warms our body. Benefits of ujjayi include
- Improves concentration.
- Improves endurance.
- Decreases distractions.
- Heats up the body internally, giving a kind of massage to the internal organs.
- Releases tension from parts of the body.
- Diminishes headaches and sinus problems.
- Improves nervous and digestive systems.
- Decreases phlegm.
2. Anulom Vilom Pranayama
Alternate Nostril Breathing is another name for Anulom Vilom Pranayama. It is an effective technique to relieve the body and mind from stress, anxiety and other mental tensions. Inhaling from one nostril and exhaling from the other and vice versa, done again and again, improves concentration too. Benefits of Anulom Vilom Pranayama are:
- Improves heart health.
- Increases supply of oxygen to all body parts.
- Increases lung capacity.
- Controls obesity.
- Treats snoring.
- Beneficial for arthritic patients.
- Improves muscular system.
- Controls blood pressure.
3. Kapalbhati Pranayama
‘Kapal’ means forehead and ‘bhati’ means shining. Kapalbhati pranayama is a breathing technique that rejuvenates you and makes your skin glow and your mind sharp. In this technique, breath is forcefully and rapidly exhaled, flushing out toxins from the body. Benefits of Kapalbhati pranayama are:
- Generates internal body heat, flushing out toxins.
- Improves functioning of kidneys and liver.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Improves digestive system.
- Keeps diabetes in control.
- Improves nervous system.
- Helps weight loss.
- Makes your skin glow.
4. Agnisar Pranayama
Agnisar pranayama is a method to improve your metabolism and digestive system. It creates a vacuum effect on the abdomen and internal organs, massaging them and increasing blood flow. Over time, your appetite will be regulated too. Benefits of Agnisar Pranayama are:
- Improves digestive system.
- Cures constipation.
- Reduces belly fat.
- Improves metabolism.
- Increases blood supply to digestive system organs.
- Regulates appetite.
5. Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari means bee in Sanskrit. Bhramari pranayama, also known as Humming Bee Br
eath is a technique to calm down the nerves and help us connect with our innermost true nature. This technique is so named because of the humming sound produced from the back of the throat, similar to the sound of a bee. Benefits of Bhramari pranayama are as follows:
eath is a technique to calm down the nerves and help us connect with our innermost true nature. This technique is so named because of the humming sound produced from the back of the throat, similar to the sound of a bee. Benefits of Bhramari pranayama are as follows:
- Calms and soothes the mind.
- Releases tension.
- Soothes the nerves.
- Reduces stress and anxiety.
- Decreases anger.
- Lowers blood pressure.
- Improves voice.
- Induces sound sleep.
These are some of the main asanas of Pranayama. There are some more, which we will see in our next blog. Till then, do let us know if you practice/have practiced any of these and what benefits you reaped.