Bruised Passports, Happy Lives

Do you enjoy fairy tales? My favorite line in any fairy tale was “…and they lived happily ever after!” Highly clichéd line, and we all know this absolutely doesn’t work at all in real life. But, what if it does? What if I show you one couple, who against all odds, made it to their “happily ever after”, and are still living it?
Unbelievable, right? Meet our travelistas, Savi and Vid who have traveled to around 90 countries and have their passports bruised with the visa stampings of all these countries. These two had been school friends (childhood sweethearts!!) who found that they share their passion for travelling, and hence decided to spend their entire lives together doing exactly that! Savi holds a PhD and Vid is an engineer. They come from humble backgrounds, but made it to the top by having a lot of persistence and dedication. They used to work in London and they both saved extensively for 10 years to give up their jobs and get into travelling full time!
This couple is a true inspiration for others, who wish to follow their passions in life. They have been invited for quite a few Ted talks. They have been featured on BBC, National Geographic Channel, Times of India, TLC, and a few more.
Let’s have a look at their ever flourishing Insta handle:
Life in an igloo:
Living in igloo is a dream! And living in a heated igloo is something else altogether. Check this out of the world video by Savi and Vid:
Nature’s Miracle- Northern lights
The Northern lights are a miracle which will be enchanting many people for years to come. Check out what these two have to say about it:
Skiing all the way:
And yet another travel video on Lauberhorn Ski festival. Isn’t a weekend at the Alps a dream for most of us?
Simple Pleasures:
It’s not always the big things that we remember. Sometime, it is very important to enjoy the little things in life:
Orchid Land
And have a look at yeh kaha aa Gaye hum …
The best thing about both of them is that they keep sharing knowledge.
Check their post on top 10 getaways in Europe.
Some of their pictures look straight out of the fairy tale. Check this
Their travel site is full of their travelogues and travel suggestions. They even hold sessions for bloggers and photographers. They are indeed a dream couple who set #couplegoals and #travelgoals.
Do visit their site and follow them on Instagram to enjoy their travel stories. Also, for Vlogs of their travels, do visit their YouTube channel.