Fun Things You Can Do With Your kids

Summer vacations are close. And we know how taxing this time can be. Assuredly, the first few days are fun – you all can sleep in, have late nights, eat junk, go out whenever and wherever you like and so on. But after the initial exhilaration settles down, the children get fidgety. They are always hungry, always bored and you cannot send them out to play in the scorching heat. So what do you do? What might be other fun things you can do with your kids?
It does become tiring after a few days to see the long faces and the rebellious moods. And believe it or not, you soon start wondering when the school will reopen! Some parents opt for summer camps and send their children there. But for those who don’t have or do not want to consider this option, we have a few awesome fun kids activities that can keep both you and your children sane and avoid frayed tempers. They are a great bonding experience too.
Fun things to do with your kid #1: Cook And Bake
Children love it when you involve them in your cooking and baking activities. Let them explore the various textures and learn how to mix and chop and cook. If you are worried about the mess they will create, invest in good quality wipe down aprons for all of you and cover your counter with newspaper. Most of all, try not to be finicky and lose your temper if anything goes wrong. They are children and just learning. Take it in your stride and enjoy the session with them. As a plus, you all get to eat delicious food you have made! And they learn to appreciate what you do every day for the family without complaints.
Fun things to do with your kid #2: Cleaning Up
Dreading cleaning up a sink full of dishes after you have done cooking or baking? Involve the kids, we say! Children love playing with water, don’t they? Use this love to get them do something constructive for you! You can assign them tasks like wiping and stacking too. Not only the kitchen, but make your kids help you clean the home too. Just make it a little interesting for them. Instead of saying, “Pick up those toys,” you can make it a race. Tell them that the first to put away the toys properly gets a hug, a kiss, a cake, 15 minutes of extra time before sleep, or whatever you are willing to offer.
Fun things to do with your kid #3: Organize A Hunt
This is an all-time favorite game to play with children. Ask them to pick an article starting from the words of the alphabet or even things of the same colour. You can tweak this game any way you want according to the age of your children. You can throw in riddles, any favourite foodstuffs or even a gift for the child that completes the challenge first. Be sure you participate too. It’s real fun!
Fun things to do with your kid #4: Solve The Crossword Or Sudoku Puzzles
Children have a very analytical brain and a crossword or a Sudoku not only gives them something to chew upon, but also widens their analytical skills (which have been dulled by a year of school.) They learn to think logically and laterally and also start applying their brains, instead of turning to Google for answers.
Fun things to do with your kid #5: Visit Places
Vacations are a time for relaxation and fun. Take your kids to places where they can have fun as well as learn. We’re not saying that you shouldn’t take them to the water park or the amusement park. But try to visit the zoo, a museum or even a planetarium, if possible. Try getting behind the scenes of a circus troupe and see how they work. These are not only fun, but are super educational and provide essential life lessons to your kids.
Fun things to do with your kid #6: Read Books And Watch Movies
Holidays need not be stressful for you. You can binge watch movies with the family or introduce interesting books to your children. Both will be entertaining and give you some breathing space. Add bowls of popcorn to this activity, and you and your kid are set for a fun couple of hours!
Remember, holidays are supposed to be fun for everyone. It makes no sense if you are slogging, worrying about your kids getting bored. In fact, it is proven that letting children get bored is the best way to bring out their creativity. So, just let go and enjoy the holidays!
What do you do during your children’s vacations? Please share some ideas with us here! We would love to know more about them!