5 Quick Beauty Hacks

You do not need to change your entire lifestyle to be a fashion diva, you just need to know these 5 quick beauty hacks that can turn you into Cinderella!
Every girl wants to look good before stepping out. No matter her lifestyle. No matter if she’s lying around in her pajamas at home. But the moment she wishes to step out, she automatically turns into this beautiful Miss Universe-like woman who is a fashion diva!
And then there are girls like me. I usually lounge about till the last second, doing absolutely nothing. Then I work myself into a frenzy because makeup is so difficult and it’s going to take me so long to set up my face to be just presentable.
There’s a traveler in me who thinks taking efforts to look beautiful is a chore!!
But makeup isn’t a chore. It’s fun when you do it right. And here are some tips you can adopt to quickly convert yourself into blah to fantabulous. All in about 10 minutes, start to finish! So here are some quick beauty hacks every girl needs to know to complete their travel fashion look. Especially if they are a traveler like me and wanting to look fabulous while roaming around the world.
5 quick beauty hacks for every girl
Wash your face with ice cold water
All day long, your face accumulates dirt and oil (as the TV ads never forget to remind us), making the face look dull. This can be remedied with the quick beauty hack of washing your face with cold water. It’ll also wake you up properly.
Another great way to tighten your pores is to run your face with an ice cube right after washing your face. Your skin will start glowing immediately.
Oily hair? Use dry shampoo!
The day you wash your hair is the day your hair is most luxuriant. But a couple of days down the week, and most of us are left with oily roots and depressed-looking hair. And if you have long hair, washing and drying it is no mean work. Surely, it’ll make much more than 10 minutes.
Dry shampoo to the rescue! Take a pic of talcum powder, or better, baby powder, and apply it on your scalp along the roots. Give your hair a nice tumble and a brush. You are done! Simply luxuriant hair in a matter of minutes looking absolutely great in travel photos.
Eye makeup gone wrong? Vaseline to the rescue!
While every girl wants that perfect winged eyeliner on her eyes, every girl doesn’t have the steadiest of hands. I’m one of those. At no other time does my hand shake as much as when I apply the eyeliner. I inadvertently end up with unbalanced wings or some crazy stuff above my eyes I couldn’t have found even if I’d paid for it.
But..but I found the correction too! It’s nothing. You dip a cotton earbud in Vaseline and slowly erase the unwanted goop. How’s that for a quick beauty hack! So go add Vaseline to your list of travel fashion!
Apply one color for a complete look
There are days when you wake up so late that you wonder if anyone will notice if you go outside without brushing your teeth. On such days, makeup and travel fashion is the last thing on your mind, and who can blame you?
But there’s a simple way to overcome these days. Take your lipstick and apply it over your cheeks and eyes as well (yes, put it on your lips too). Then just rub it with your fingertips and you get a dash of colour within seconds. Of course, as far as quick beauty hacks is concerned, there’s the pinching-the-cheeks and biting-the-lips-until-they-bleed method too….
Buy a great lipstick here – Myntra make-up
Bad hair days? Give it a blow-dry as a quick beauty hack
Washing hair takes too much time. But if you wake up with really uncontrollable hair which has invaded Earth, Mars and everything else, you need to take it.
So what do you do? Wet it under the basin tap and blow-dry it quickly. If you have a good brush, it is more beneficial. You can control the hair monster before it takes over your world. And look good, on the side.
Tie your hair up in a ponytail or a messy bun and that’s it! And it makes for a great travel photos too!
You might like: Quick and easy hairstyles for lazy girls
Did it take more than 10 minutes?
So you can do much before your cab arrives or your beau comes to take you out for a fancy dinner or outing. Get ready, girl. Pick up those quick beauty hacks as no time is too less time to look good. Sashay up the day and own it! Make these quick and easy beauty hacks a part of your travel fashion too!
What are your beauty hacks? Do share them with us lesser, bumbling mortals!
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