Turn Your Words Into Swords!

Working Women- It’s Time To Turn Your Words Into Swords!
You must be wondering why do you need to turn your words into swords?
Today’s woman has it all, yet many times she feels unaccomplished! Only because the society questions her victory with suspicion – Be it her work-life balancing to her out-performance at workplace.
They consider her acceptance to challenges as a bold step and her dressing as her success path!
Normally these judgments come from few undesirable colleagues trying to hide from their failures. These negative comments make our life more complicated with the existing problems in the mix!
Appreciating a woman for her accolades is a rare sight to see. Here is a video presented by Life Tak depicting the exact office scenarios which demotivate a woman going ahead based on her talent.
It’s time to stop visualizing non-existent things from your colleagues’ eyes and recognize our brain worth which makes money for us.
It is time they don’t drag in our clothes in that office promotion, nor do we let them judge our capacity as we have just delivered!
It’s time to feel equated and give back to those hoggers in swag! Its time to turn your words into swords!
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