Self love guide to Valentine’s Day!!

Love is in the air, and people are making plans all around. Some are in for candle light dinners, some for movies, a few are going on trips, some are going for home cooking (just think of the mess! Goodness!), some other lazybones like me, would probably just curl up in front of Netflix and order a pizza, and a couple of beers. What about you? Are you still at a loss? Out of ideas to celebrate this eternal day of love? Much better still, are you single?? Well, phikar not! We are here to give you some brilliant ideas to get rolling today! So here is our Self love guide to Valentine’s Day celebration!!
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Self Love Guide to Valentine’s Day celebration
Self love activity #1: Spa Day:
It’s a weekday. Pull off a sick leave in office, drop your kids (if you have any) at the day care or at their grandparents (sheesh, they love taking care of their munchkins, stop feeling guilty!), and enjoy a lovely Spa Day on your own. Pamper yourself, get that head massage and back massage, you’ve been longing for, for so long, get your nails done, maybe even a haircut. Feel beautiful! Fall in love with yourself!
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Self love activity #2: Go Shopping:
Eyeing those beautiful summer dresses on sale at the mall, on your way home from office? Or those cute skirts? It’s ok to stop thinking about all the household expenses, and spend a little on yourself. You already do a lot for your family. You deserve this! Go, splurge a little!
Self Love activity #3: A date with your girlfriends:
Husband, boyfriend, kids, family and all are very great, and awesome! But, you gotta have girlfriends! They are the best of them all… Convince your gals to pull off sick leaves, in case they have jobs, and go have some gala time of your own! Enjoy some shots, some heavy drinks, good food, nice juicy gossips, hearty chats… These are the best medicines in the world to cure any trouble you might have!
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Self love activity #4: Gift yourself a vacation:
Plan a solo trip somewhere. It could even be a short trip of 2-3 days. But, do plan. There’s nothing else that gives confidence, a wonderful sense of freedom, and exhilaration than an amazing solo trip to an exotic location. Plan it today! Ditch all your worries, and get going. Our own dear Flapper Life can help you plan it carefully, so that you the time of your life!
Self love activity #5: Meet your mom:
When was the last time you had a really nice chat with your mom? We get so busy with our routine, we forget the first girlfriend we had in our lives! She was the one who would listen to all our troubles, have the solutions to most of our woes, and if she didn’t have a solution she would make something delicious to eat. The sight of our favorite food, and a smiling mom would be enough to make us feel happy! Simpler days, simpler life. Connect back with it, go meet your mom and a heart-to-heart! You would feel so much better for it.
So, there you go… Surprised to see the above list, none of which has anything to do with couples? Valentine’s Day is supposed to be celebrated with somebody that you love, right? So, let’s celebrate it with the first person we should love: Ourselves! Our capacity to love ourselves is directly proportional to our capacity to love others. In simple words, when you love yourself as you are, it is very easy to love others wholly for who they are. So, spend today with yourself as much as with your spouse.
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Tell yourself, that you love her. You love her for who she is, the way she carries herself, gets everything done, and does a kickass job of taking care of her life. Tell her, it’s ok to step down once in a while, take a backseat, and let somebody else run the show for her, coz you love her, and you don’t want her getting sick. Tell her, it’s ok to make mistakes, she doesn’t need to be perfect all the time. She just has to be herself, coz that’s who you love, and admire and respect! Tell her, she’s amazing, and beautiful, and she’s your first and foremost Valentine, for your entire life!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you gals!! Loads & loads of love from the FF Team to all of you!!
Now, somebody was mentioning something about shots…