Why Quarantine is Couple Friendly!

In the days of growing restlessness, COVID-19 is a punishment for globe across. We are not used to staying indoors with access to a limited number of people. Especially couples in the closed confines of home 24*7! It is a recipe for disaster!! While few people think this lockdown has had a negative impact on their relationship. There are many couples who think quarantine is couple friendly! While trying to get some me-time, they have started valuing their we-time too!
When asked on Quora, many couples agreed that this lockdown may have helped them to sort their differences and closed their fights. For many, the lockdown has been an extended honeymoon. One couple said – ‘We are talking, cuddling, eating together and are doing all things that happy couples do. Friends, relatives, colleagues are jealous that we are getting such an extended honeymoon. So how has the lockdown affected us as a couple? Well, it has done wonders for us.”
Another couple who hardly got any time to spend together due their work schedules, now are enjoying some we-time together – ‘We watch web series, movies late at night. We play online games like ludo. He doesn’t use Instagram or Quora but whatever I watch or read anything interesting, I bring it to his notice too. We also learn recipes together and try cooking new dishes.’
The availability of we-time with some me-time gave them a chance to build emotional connection with each other and reboot their tensed lives.
5 reasons why this quarantine is couple friendly
Here are 5 things that COVID-19 has helped you as a partner to grow with one another!
1. That Extra Cuddling And Morning Mushiness With An Alarm Snooze!
Be with in-laws or without them, your bedroom life has become much more friendly than it was months ago! Agree? Cuddling reminds you of first love and just makes it easier to stay in love!
No rush to the bathroom and no yelling for getting late! In the couple friendly quarantine, we just got one more chance to revive our love life!
2. Caring For One Another
With no maids buzzing around and life giving you real lemons, you just have time to be kind with your partner as he shares the load with you! There is an in built respect for each other when you manage the professional and personal life together. The caring is just an obvious conclusion!
Team -building at home gets real as you do household chores as a we-time activity. And your chemistry bubbling with happiness just helps make the bond stronger!
3. You Are A Real You With Him Now On
No filters on! Being 24*7 with your partners has just increased your comfort zones and made you come out of your veil!
The time when you used to vanish to office is no more there. You are dealing with things right then and there. It is easy to show him the real you when he is doing the same.
These times have built you up as a couple and you will thank these times life-long!
Also read: 7 practical things you should initiate with your bae now!
4. You Have Learnt To Find Happiness In Those Little Things
Be it a biscuit cake or the little candle light dinner, you have learnt to enjoy these precious moments in your life and lock these cuddles vibes in your heart lifelong!
You have learnt to accommodate each other in your me-time. The memories you are building in your time together are getting more fun!
From playing puzzles to watching the old flicks under your blankets, you just found what is true love! And you start believing that quarantine is couple friendly!
Schedule your couple time by downloading Think Me-time app from Google Playstore
5. You Appreciate Your Partner More Now On
Because you have one! Winks!
(Especially when there are singles wrestling their alone time and cribbing for not marrying soon enough!)
You have a person to make videos with, to dance with, to sing crappy songs, to make TikTok videos with and to make love with!
This is the best period of your lives to tell generations on and you have only rocked it with him!!
Live these moments now, girls!!
You will also like: Here’s how to make most while corona is still in town!
Girls, enjoy your life ice-cream before it melts to routine! Enjoy this couple friendly quarantine!